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Protecting and Monitoring your Water Consumption

High-performance solutions specialising in the remote management and control of water networks exist


  • Control and reduce your water bill: monitor your consumption in real time and don’t wait for the bill to show an increase.
  • Prevent and avoid damage: do not wait for the ceiling to fall to identify a leak and be alerted
  • Avoid unnecessary consumption: for example, a tap left open or a toilet flush that leaks or a leaky heating/cooling system, etc.
  • Participate in the protection of the environment: in 25 years, the available water in the world has decreased by 26% (while the population is increasing)

→ 9,000 billion m3 of water consumed each year in the world, of which 20 to 40% is wasted in leaks


High-performance solutions specialising in the remote management and control of water networks exist. They allow to :

  • Receive an immediate alarm in case of a leak (via SMS/email, BMS, locally via a light)
  • Remote control of the water system (opening/closing) possible and configurable
  • Program the automatic openings and closings according to the activity
  • Possibility of protecting several networks on the same site to locate leaks more quickly
  • Supervise and control as desired (via web portal, locally from a BMS, remotely by radio – LoRa)

What Benefits?


  • Average return on investment: 12 months
  • Reduction of the invoice: 25 to 30% on average

Easy to implement:

  • Easy integration on existing network (no major works)
  • Installation on internal or external networks
  • Intuitive, autonomous and flexible solution

Efficient and profitable technical solutions exist, why not use them and stop wasting drinking water?